About 400 scientific articles in national and international journals on ‘soil structure’ soil amelioration, soil technology, soil erosion and control, soil and water conservation, wind erosion, desertification, land degradation, drainage, substrates, soil degradation, toplayers of grassfields’
Articles in local journals on ‘construction of vineyards, toplayers of grassfields’
Member of the reviewing board of international scientific journals
Editor of : De Sport Gazet, ISPA Results,
Publisher of: MAF (Magazine of Action and Fitness), Loopkalender, Loopmagazine
Founding editor of Soil Technology
Editor and co-author of Proceedings of congresses on ‘Erosion Assessment’
Editor and co-author of Proceedings of Conferences on Desertification
Editor and co-author of Proceedings of ELAFIS
Editor and co-author of Proceedings of Workshops of ICTP Soil Physics Associates
Publisher of books:
-Where are they now? (biography of Olympic ateltes) co-author with Fred Wilt (USA)
-Zwevend over de ijskap. De Trans Groenland Expeditie 1995 (Dixie Dansercoer)
-ARAG-KAAG ATLETIEK 1864-2000 (Frank De Cloet)
Colaborator of the book: GANTOISE 150: 101 Indianenverhalen (Martine Vermandere)
Judicial and Private
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